University of Minnesota

National Accessibility Evaluation
Research Update Webinar

Reviewing 3 years of measuring Access Across America

August 1, 2018

Watch recorded webinar

About the Presentation

The National Accessibility Evaluation pooled fund project, led by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, is measuring nationwide, multimodal access to jobs. The University of Minnesota's Accessibility Observatory produces annually-updated datasets and reports analyzing Access Across America.

Accessibility measurement is motivated by an understanding that travel is driven by a desire to reach destinations. Transportation projects are undertaken to provide connectivity — the ability for people or things to physically travel — between locations, or to lower travel times where connectivity already exists. As long-term infrastructure investments, transportation systems are not built to satisfy individual trips at specific times, but rather to provide capacity that can be used to satisfy a huge variety of potential trips over the system's lifetime. This potential for interaction can be regarded as the fundamental product of transportation systems.

This webinar covered:

  • Why measure accessibility?
  • What data and reports are available through this project?
  • How are partners using accessibility for planning and performance management?
  • How can your agency get involved?


  • Andrew Owen, Director, Accessibility Observatory, University of Minnesota
The Accessibility Observatory is a program of the Center for Transportation Studies.